Next, give your friend or family member options of how you might continue to be helpful after their initial free pass. 接下来告诉你的朋友或家人,他们在最初的免费范围以外,还可以选择哪些方式继续获得你的帮助。
There is no doubt that some women only are in it for the money or to get a free pass to the United States. 不可否认,一些女人嫁到美国只是为了钱或是拿到一张免费的绿卡。
If, as has been said, it is characteristic of free thought to allow no assumptions to pass unquestioned, the old metaphysicians were not free thinkers. 由此可见,旧形而上学的思想并不是自由的思想。
A convenient way to find a free port is to pass in a null address, which automatically binds the socket to the local host address and uses a free ephemeral port. 找到空闲端口的便利方法是传递一个null地址,它会自动将套接字绑定到本地主机地址,并使用空闲的临时端口。
The Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas would have to make big concessions in any serious peace negotiation. It has been given a free pass. 马哈茂德阿巴斯(MahmoudAbbas)的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(PalestinianAuthority)本来不得不在任何认真的和平谈判中作出重大让步,可它被授予了免费通行证。
Conversely, the fear for the likes of Mr Putin is that those careless Americans will get another free pass. 反过来,普京等人担心的是,这些不谨慎的美国人将再次逃过一劫。
Regulators investigated them and fined them over the course of several decades, while in China these companies have gotten a relatively free pass. 欧洲等地的监管部门过去数十年来一直在调查并处罚这些公司的垄断行为,但是这些企业在中国却面对着相对宽松自由的环境。
'As a result of hair donations such as this, the charity receives a large number of real-hair wigs free of charge to pass on to families whose children have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment.' 我们已经收到了大量这样的捐献,将头发制成假发,免费捐献给那些正在接受癌症治疗的不幸的孩子们。
Hideki Matsui started the inning with a two-out double before Oswalt walked the next three batters in order, forcing in the first run of the game with a free pass to Jorge Posada. 马猪蚁率先在两出局时打出二垒安打,接著奥斯华连续保送三名打者,在面对胖波的一个补逸之后免费奉送给洋基第一分。
Of course, the approach is not "free pass". It requires that manufacturers should have good advantages of customer resource and successful industry background. 当然,这条途径并非“免券入场”,这要求厂商具备良好的客户资源优势和成功的行业背景。
Admission is free on presentation of this card We were lured into a very high-priced health club in Dallas by a "free guest pass". 我们被“免费顾客入场券”诱拐进到位于达拉斯的一家收费非常高昂的健身俱乐部。
These "influencers" were then mailed free samples and coupons to pass on to family and friends. 随后,该公司向这些“影响者”邮寄了免费样品和优惠券,供他们送给家人和朋友。
Viral Marketing is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. 病毒性营销是免费给一些东西,让人们通过对他人。
Alison: Our arteries give us a free pass on turkey day. 我们的动脉在火鸡大餐日会畅通无阻。
I think you get a free kissing pass. 我想你根本不会在意一个吻。
He wants to keep busy in his retirement by doing charity work and taking advantage of his free bus pass to explore Los angeles. 他想做些慈善工作来充实自己,而且利用自己的免费乘车证游览发现洛杉矶。
Vujacic threw a behind-the-back pass to Trevor Ariza, who was fouled on the play and got two free throws because of Vujacic's pass. 沙沙一个背后妙传给跟进的阿里扎,由于这次传球,阿里扎照成了对手的犯规并获得了两场罚球的机会。
In the spirit of the free hugs campaign, pass this to a friend and hug a stranger! After all, if you can reach just one person. 在那个激动人心的拥抱活动中,你能向一个人张开双臂,去拥抱经过你身边的一个朋友,一个陌生人。这就足够了!
Annis's the film critic for the local radio station, so she's got a free pass for all the cinemas in the area. 安妮是当地电台的影评人,因此她有一张可进入该地区所有电影院的免费入场证。
I don't think it is likely that they could get a free pass for what they done in the past week,'said John Palfrey, a professor at Harvard Law School. 哈佛法学院教授约翰·帕弗瑞说,我认为中国不可能放任谷歌做出像上周那样的行为。
She managed to obtain a free pass which even allowed her to visit sensitive military areas. 她设法搞到了一张自由通行证,使她甚至能够进入那些敏感的军事区域。
With wives in charge of their social life, men get a free pass to a rich social life. 但也不乏例外:已婚男人有了妻子打理生活,他们便更有闲情逸致去丰富社交生活。
Greece should not be given a free pass, but the lesson of the post-crisis years has been that governments can go only so far in cutting budgets and improving competitiveness when their economies are shrinking and living standards are in free fall. 确实不应该向希腊发放免费通行证,但后危机时期的教训是,当经济萎缩,人们的生活标准大幅下降,政府只能在一定程度上削减预算并提高竞争力。
I finally got a free pass to the ground and I'm going to cling on to it like grim death. 我终于得到一张去那里的通行证,因而我将牢牢地护着它。
Special commitment: the toilet to clear the unreasonable charge, one week and then blocked a free pass! 特别承诺:马桶疏通不通不收费,一个星期堵了免费再通!
I'll give you a free pass on those other ones. 我会给你那几次的自由通行证。
Long-wavelength gravitons, however, are free to pass through the extra dimensions. 但长波长的重力子却可以自由地在额外维度中穿梭。
Electromagnetic signals, such as photon and dilepton production signals, are traditional signals for formation of QGP. Photon and dilepton have large mean free path and pass through collision region easily to reach the detectors, so they can be observed directly in experiment. 电磁信号,如光子信号和双轻于产生信号,作为寻找QGP的传统信号,由于其平均自由程大,容易穿过碰撞区到达探测器被实验观察到,因而仍然受到人们的极大关注。
Free movement of people to pass into the world to intervene. 人要通过自由的行动介入到世界中去。